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5 Steps To Build Momentum & Keep It

By March 7, 2016March 7th, 2016Blog


I want to give you 5 awesome steps that when you start stringing them all together will make you start running and being able to help you and keep momentum so you stay on track to achieving any goal, anything you set in your life no matter what it is.

Because often people say starting is hard. I don’t necessarily agree with that. I think starting can be quite easy, especially when we think about some of the techniques I’ll talk about in a moment. I think finishing is hard, or keeping the race going. I think that’s where it’s very difficult. I think once you get going on a new idea and then the initial buzz of it wears off, all of a sudden what’s left? You start to get mundane day to day activities to build the idea up. Every business has boring ass parts to it, and that’s what you need to understand is it’s not always joyful.

The process is joyful when you finish. Maybe sometimes you go to bed and it’s like that was a great day and all you did was write emails or you… you just scripted out a bunch of stuff or you made videos and it can be quite tedious.

But in that in itself is the joy and the fun of doing it. The thing is though, we want to make sure we continue momentum. Isaac Newton had a law. He said that a body in motion tends to stay in motion. And what does that really mean? Well, once we get going it’s actually quite easy. The starting block is actually quite hard to push off, but continuing to go can actually be quite easy provided we have the right mindset, the right attitude, we’ve got confidence, we have a team we can rely on whether it’s a coach, whether it’s accountability partner, whether it’s someone to go to get the resources, but we have people we can sort of fall back on to help us back up again. Because you are going to fail and there are going to be obstacles you have to overcome for you to grow into the goal and the success that you want.

1. So the first step is knowing where you’re heading.

You’ve got to have a goal. Now, you’ve heard me talk about this, it’s in every seminar around the world. Goals, goals, goals. But goals are critical.

Now, we’re not talking about objectives and milestones and tasks. We’re talking about a goal, something so big that it keeps you up at night, that you get so excited about you go, “My God, if that happened, my life would be amazing.” But you cannot know how to achieve it. That’s the difference.

Knowing how to achieve a goal makes it an objective or a milestone. You should not know how to achieve the goals that you set. That’s the most important tip for goal setting. But we do have to know why we want it. We need to know the burning desire, the reason why it gets us up out of bed, what do we really want in our life?

Now, once we have that why, we have a purpose backing a goal. That is power right there. That’s power to start to overcome obstacles. That’s power to start to do things well outside your comfort zone and start to generate the ability to do quantum leaps in the results that you want.

But the reality is when you set a goal so big, it’s often going to be well out of the comfort zone. You’re going to get stumped. So the thing is, even though we don’t know how to achieve it and we know why we want to achieve it, what we want to do and focus our attention on every single day is taking one step towards that goal. One step.

Whether it’s a step that results in a quantum leap. So it speeds up the process, or whether it’s a singular step that just moves us in the direction, we are going to want to take one step. We don’t have to know how to take the 900, thousand, 2 thousand, 10 thousand steps to get there. Like I said, we shouldn’t know how to take those. That’s not the right goal if we do. But we need to know how to take one step, and everybody knows how to take the first step towards their goal. They just need to make sure they take the step.

2. Chunking time and action sequencing is everything.

Now, what does action sequencing mean? Well, let’s say your goal is to create a business. So what you do is you break down that big, big idea into small, actionable sequences. So whatever that thing is, whatever the goal is for the business, if it’s an income, you break down the income. Say it’s 500 thousand a year. You break it into small segments of income or you break down maybe the product you sell that would make that money as well and you break it into small, actionable chunks that when strung together formulate the result you want.

Now, that doesn’t mean you know how it’s going to happen. What you’re trying to do is you’re trying to break that big project down into parts you can execute as you chunk time out in your diary.

So what do I mean by chunking? Well, if we look between our diary between 9 and 12 am, if you blocked out that space and you said it’s your nonnegotiable project time, well bang. That’s it. And in that you can put your to do list or you can put in the actionable sequence you want to work on, and that’s what chunking time means and it’s one of the most effective ways to get big projects done. Because when you have a big project or a big idea or a big goal, even though you don’t know how to achieve it, you will have some notion of what you need to do.

But when you think about the goal, it scares you. It’s too big. It’s like, my God, I have to do so much. And that’s why most people can’t start. They’re so overwhelmed by the size of what they’re trying to do that it freaks them out. Literally the brain hits that fight or flight response and it’s out of there. And that’s how we overcome it. We break down this massive thing into the smallest chunks we can possibly think about, and then we slot it into our diary. But that’s important. It must be in the diary and it must be non negotiable.

Now, what time do you do this? Whatever suits you. Whenever you can do it. Whenever you make the time to do it. You know, you’ve got to do what it takes, not what’s convenient in your life. You know, if you say, “Well, you know, I need to sleep in until 10am and then I’m all busy with family and stuff,” fine. You lose. Winners in life, they make their own pattern. They make their own choices. They make their own success.

You cannot expect to win if you have that attitude. You’ve got to do what it takes and not what’s convenient. Block the time out, know what you’re going to do within the action sequence, and you’re guessing really that if you do all of them right you’ll hit your goal. But you know what’s going to happen is you’ll probably do all of them and it might not ever be even close enough to the goal. But as you’ve done them, you start to expand further. Your race has now begun. You’ve gone from starting to walking briskly. You’re not quite running yet, but you’re definitely on the track.

3. Frequency is more important than duration.

Now, you can see how these steps start to string together. When you start and you know where you’re heading and you break down that into sections that you put into your diary, you’re now starting to walk briskly. But frequency is most important.

You see, daily work, even if it’s smaller amounts of chunked time, towards your goal or towards your project or your idea coming to fruition, is far more important than how long you do it for. You see, for example, if you did Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday as the only days to work on your idea or your business, I call that scattered activity.

Scattered activity, you may as well just not even start at all. And, again, this is what happens. Most people start but they do it 3 days a week like that, and then what happens? They don’t see the results and yet… and then they say the process doesn’t work. The problem is, that is not how life works.

Nature’s laws demand you put in the time up front and you do it consistently. If you want to keep momentum going, and you definitely need it to keep going, well, to get it going you need to start. To start you need to have consistent frequency of action. It cannot be every now and then, and it certainly can’t be broken.

So the trick is, I would rather you space it down in terms of time. So if you’ve got, like, one hour a day or half an hour a day, you do that every day rather than try to do one hour per week. And this has been a huge learning curve for people that I coach. And I’ve noticed them get more results by practicing less than in actually trying to do more.

For example, in the athletic world of ballroom dancing, it’s far better to train for an hour or 2 hours a day than try to do 4 hours a day. Now, that might sound unconventional, and it is, but it works. And that’s what I’m saying to you as well.

Shrink down but increase the frequency and I can guarantee you’re going to see massive improvements in your results in a very short space of time. And you’ll move from walking briskly to starting to have a light, fast paced job.

4. You’re going to freak yourself out because you’re going to have more fear of success than of failing.

It sounds a bit strange, but fear of failure is very important. It’s very real to some people. It’s not necessarily a tangible thing, but there’s sometimes legitimate fears in people’s lives, but we won’t go into those today. But fear of success is actually quite a common one as well. And you might’ve experienced this.

You know, what if I actually make this goal happen? Well, what will happen then? How will I cope with the additional high pressure now? Now I’m known in this industry. Oh, my lord, I’ve got to do even better. Think about rockstars, right? When they get number one records they think about the pressure for their next album.

The thing is when you get to that level, you’ve grown into that level. This is why you don’t want to just get magically thrust into what you want. You’ve got to grow into what you want. It’s the most important lesson. That’s why you need the challenges, the obstacles, and those hard things to happen in your life so you can actually grow into that person. And then you can handle it.

That doesn’t mean everybody’s going to handle it. Some people have different coping mechanisms and some are bad and some are good. But the bottom line is, you have more of a chance of creating that abundant, happy, and prosperous lifestyle and maintaining it when you go through the process and the hard slog.

Now, some people it will take years for them before they reach any pinnacle of any success in any field, and often it will take over 10. Some people might do it quickly, but the reality is is that it’s better to grow into it and to get over that fear that success is actually going to cripple you, because that in itself is going to stifle you and what will happen is rather than taking those frequent, daily actions and moving towards your goals and the time you’ve set, is you’ll stop working for a week or two and all your momentum is killed.

You might notice this if you ever see sales. Salespeople, this happens all the time. They will build momentum by getting 1, 2, 3, 4, maybe even 5 sales that month, they start building up a client base, they’re on a roll. People say I’m on a roll this month, high five. You ever considered why that’s happening? Well, it’s these action steps. But then when they take a break, they go on holiday for 2 weeks, they come back, it’s like you start from a standstill. This is the reason: you’ve stopped planting. You’ve stopped tending. You’ve stopped sprinting or building up to a sprint and you’ve gone back to a walk, maybe even sitting on the park bench and just enjoying the view. That’s not how life’s meant to work.

That doesn’t mean you can’t build it like that, but that’s another lesson. The reality is that you should be engaged in work you love and then it makes it easier to maintain this race.

5. You have everything you need right now.

You have legs. If you had to go for a run or a walk, you can. Can you run like Usain Bolt? Chances are you can’t. Does it mean you can’t develop the ability to be a sprinter? Of course you could. But it’s going to take all of the steps that I’ve just listed for you to get there. You need to not only take the right actions on a daily basis and need to know where your goal is and where you’re heading, you also need to know how to chunk your time and do the action sequences, and you need frequency. If you want to become a world class sprinter, frequency not duration. Every day is better than once a week. That’s how you do it.

So for your life, you want to become more successful, you absolutely can. You already have the resources within you. You can start from scratch on a continent completely different to where you are right now, and you could build an entirely different life one year from now. How?

Because as humans, we are fundamentally wired to continue seeking, expanding, and growing. There’s something within us that is constantly pushing, and it is wrong for us to suppress that. It is wrong to push it down. But society wants that. They want you to be mediocre, they want you to sit there and to be part of the mass thinking and to not break the mold. Well, I’m saying break the mold. I’m saying for you to really continue pushing these goals in your life and for you to be the best, you’ve got to keep going. You’ve got to keep the momentum going no matter what happens.

Does this mean you’re going to get tired? Yes. You need to rest. Does it mean you need to be stupid with your health? No. Take your health seriously. Get a good coach on that one. Eat well, but have a nice lifestyle. But understand this, if you’re really trying to hit a big goal in your life, you’re not going to have a balance. But who cares? Why would you want a balance anyway? A balance is for losers. A balance is for people who just want to play it safe and want to do this and that. You’re not going to have a balance.

Whilst granted you might be able to build yourself up to a level where you’ve got all the money you need, you know what’s going to happen? If you’re not engaged in a labor of love, you’ll get very bored. That’s why there’s a lot of wealthy people that actually get very… they get bored over a period of time and they turn to drugs and alcohol. It’s the only thing that’ll keep them entertained. They’re just trying to constantly change how they feel because they can’t cope with the realities of life.

It is not about the money. It is about the pursuit of a worthwhile goal. It is about the pursuit of something so amazing and so awesome that it gets you out of bed rather than you just trying to drag yourself out of bed on a daily basis.

But I promise you this, if you stick to those 5 steps and you work with them one after another, you start to go from walking to briskly walking to jogging to light jogging to sprinting. And what happens when you’re sprinting is it’s much easier. Remember what Isaac Newton said? It’s much easier to continue that sprint and to stay in it for the long run because if you’ve got those pillars, if you’ve got the pillars of support from your… from the right team, from the right family, if you’ve got the attitude and the confidence, you’re going to be able to overcome any hurdle that you see along the track.

And you know what? It’s much better to… much better to be out there sprinting and winning the game of life than to be sitting on the sidelines watching everybody else win. 

Vaughan Liddicoat

Author Vaughan Liddicoat

Vaughan is an international speaker, trainer, world professional dancer & entrepreneur. His message has helped transform ten's of thousands of peoples live's world wide. You're invited to get more free training to help you launch your business, career and life up to the next level.

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