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How To Quadruple Your Results Using Proven 3 Step Model

By March 2, 2016March 6th, 2016Blog


Quantum leap sounds like a crazy and fanatical, metaphysical, trippy word. Quantum quite literally means to take a leap well beyond what you’ve ever done before, and you can do this in your life and your business. The problem is we’re being trained and conditioned that success is literally logical from A to B, B to C, C to D, etcetera. How about this for an idea, what about going A to D and then D to O and maybe O to Z? Or why not just skip the process and go A to Z? Does that sound too far fetched? Probably.

It’s probably rubbing right up against your own conditioning right now going, “This guy is…he’s smoking crack. There’s something wrong with this guy.” The thing is, this is how we’ve been trained. We must know the plan, we must know how things are going to work out.

Look, I’m all for having a plan and a strategy, a one page written out “dum, dum, dum,” this is what I’m going to do to start with, but you do not know, and you should not know, how the things you want in your life are really going to happen. When you look back in hindsight you will, but not up front. That isn’t the deal.

You see, you’re going to need to have an extraordinary amount of faith to utilize this principle of quantum leaps because it’s going to require you to step well beyond your comfort zone. Because everything you want is outside the comfort zone, as you probably already know, and you’re probably nodding your head going, “Yes, that’s true.” But a quantum leap is completely illogical. It’s like you ricochet off the old ideas that you have. So there’s three tactics I want you to think about as you’re pursuing this whole idea and this concept, as you get involved in loving this idea of quantum leaping your performance.

  1. The first tactic is do not force it.

Never force anything. Force negates, it actually repels. When you try to force yourself to do something, when you try to force a friendship to happen, when you try to force a sale, what happens? It always disappears or somebody says yes and then they pull away anyway. It’s just natural. That’s why people get buyer’s remorse. You see, force negates. It does not attract. So if you’re repelling things from your life, the way you stop it is when you are feeling that you need to push harder, back off. Do the complete opposite.

If you want quantum leaps to really start happening, forcing is not going to happen. In fact, do the complete opposite, like I said. Ricochet off it. Do something completely the opposite, go the other way completely. See what happens.

  1. Stop relying on old patterns and old behavior.

Now, what’s a pattern and a behavior? Well, the majority of our life is lived unconsciously through our habitual conditioning. Now, what’s that mean? It really means that in our mind we are literally programmed to act, behave, talk, and hang out, and do work, and be productive, and be action oriented the same way every day, day in and day out. You don’t think about brushing your teeth, doing your hair, doing your shoes, getting dressed. You don’t have to think about really making breakfast or driving anymore, if you do drive. The reality is, all of that is subconscious conditioning. You don’t need to think about it because you’re unconsciously doing it.

Now, that is the problem with taking a quantum leap, because a quantum leap requires you to be very aware of what’s going on. It requires you to think about your situation and to look for the gap and go, “There it is. That’s what I need to do next,” and then you do it, hence the faith you need to have. You need to have an extraordinary amount of applied faith on this principle because you’re not going to know if it’s going to work out in advance, and that’s what’s cool about this strategy.

But you’ve also got to make sure that these old patterns of behavior don’t cripple you. They’re going to want to push you back and keep you down from where you should be. Your biggest resistance is not from your friends, your family, your loved ones and your workers, it is from you. It is from your own conditioning. It’s that little silent fight that goes on inside you.

And the thing is, when you want to step out and really create a different result in your life, and I’m talking like a big result, say you want to double or triple your income, say you want to create a business based off something you love rather than work for someone else, say you want a new relationship or you want to be completely… a completely different healthy weight range or a different look physically. You know, that takes a lot of courage.

That compelling force within you is there, that spirit, spirit is always seeking fuller expression and greater expansion. And our problem is we don’t recognize that and we squash it down and say, “I can’t have it because X, Y, and Z.” And generally, they’re ideas that other people have given us, we’ve believed them, we’ve attached emotion to them and now they, that idea, is our conditioning. That is how we live. We live through their voice in our head. And because we’re living with their voice in our head, our actions are weak. So, therefore, our results are weak.

So if you want to start taking serious leaps, and not A to B puny, minuscule, bull crap leaps, I’m talking big ones, big player leaps, it is absolutely fundamental about crushing your old conditioning, recognizing when, “No, I shouldn’t be on Facebook. I should be making those phone calls. Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. No, I’m not going to go there and hang out at the pub today. I’m going to go and investigate this opportunity on how I can create my business. I’m going to go read that book. I’m going to go to that seminar. I’m going to get that coach. I’m going to go make it happen. I’m going to get that second job so I can fund that and do this.” That’s the attitude I’m talking about.

But it’s even bigger than that. When you want to do a quantum leap it requires almost going the complete opposite way, and that’s the third thing.

  1. You don’t need a plan.

There’s no need for a plan when you’re thinking about taking a quantum leap. I said before ricochet. Do the opposite to what you’ve been conditioned to do. So if you’re in sales, rather than just calling up the same clients and trying to extract business from them, who is the biggest lead source you can call, the top 10, the number one serious person you can call? Go and romance the crap out of them, go and get them in your pipeline, go and build a relationship with them. Even bigger, how can you multiply your sales rather than selling once? What’s something massive you can move into?

Do you understand the pattern here? You know, for example, if you’re a well known speaker, well, why don’t you go and put on your own event? And I mean, like, do a big event. Book a room for, like, 500 people. Sorry, what’s that? It’s going to cost you money? Yeah, of course it is. It’s called a risk. That’s the whole point of a quantum leap. You have to have faith to take a risk. You have to know that, you know what, if it doesn’t work out it’s ok. It’s part of the plan. And these plans, these challenges, these divine interventions that are happening are there for a reason and I need them to set me up for the bigger successes that are coming down. But, you know what? Until you step up, you never get those growth patterns. You don’t get challenged that way unless you put yourself in front of it. That’s why so few people succeed.

But I’m challenging you here. Quantum leap, what is one thing you can do, and you’re going to know. And if you don’t by being aware, you’re going to think of the thing you need to do and it will scare the living daylights out of you. It’s crazy how effective it is. Because if you did that again and again and again, imagine how much you grow, imagine the person you actually become, imagine how people would think. They’d look at you and go, “Wow that guy has got so much energy. That girl, she always goes after things and gets what she wants.” You know, don’t you want to be known as that person? I’m sure you do.

Well, this is how you do it. You go into the unknown space out there and you take a leap into it. You think of the craziest, most outlandish, biggest action orientated thing you can possibly do to move you forward and you do it, and you stop messing around with the small bitty crap day in and day out. And you know what I mean.

You do have administration stuff to do and there’s bookkeeping. You can hire people for that. I’m not saying everything in your life is going to be outsourced. Sometimes there’s mundane things you have to do, and that includes family things. No, I’m just kidding.
The reality is, the quantum leaps are specific actions that are going to create the results in your life that you actually want. They’re much bigger than the small actions you’re taking right now. I think that makes sense, doesn’t it?

So the quantum leaps, like I said, will go from A to Z, not A to B. Big difference in the outcome, big difference in the actions and the things you’re going to need to do, massive difference in the amount of faith and courage you’re going to need to have in yourself when you step out to act this way.

Before we finish, why do we have quantum leaps as an idea? Because it’s not a strategy. I mean, it is a strategy but it’s not like something that you can just write out and think, “This is what I’ll do.” That’s a plan and it’s called conventional success. And conventional success requires conventional methods, and we don’t want conventional methods. So if you’re writing out a plan, scrumple that thing up and throw it away.

Now, when I’m talking about a plan please remember, business plans are fine. You should have a plan of attack of what you’re going to do. But I’m saying think differently. How are you going to move beyond that? Right now it’s like getting something big happening. What’s a big client you can land? What is the biggest action you can do to get your product on the market? How are you going to get 100 more customers into your pipeline or your business right this second? How are you going to make 100 thousand dollars extra on top of your income? How are you going to do that? It’s possible, but these represent quantum leaps, so they require ideas you have never had before and it requires actions you’ve probably never, ever done before but you know you should be.

And I wish you the best of luck because I know they can happen and they will happen for you. Instead of happening for the next guy, they can happen to you if you make a decision, you back that decision with action, and you back those actions with very, very strong and applied faith, and you’ll get rewarded. This is Vaughan Liddicoat, thank you very much.

Vaughan Liddicoat

Author Vaughan Liddicoat

Vaughan is an international speaker, trainer, world professional dancer & entrepreneur. His message has helped transform ten's of thousands of peoples live's world wide. You're invited to get more free training to help you launch your business, career and life up to the next level.

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