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How Nature’s Laws Help You Succeed Confidently

By March 6, 2016March 6th, 2016Blog



I want to talk to you about a subject that I am so fascinated and excited to share with you about going the extra mile.

You see, there’s something most people shy away from, and that’s doing more than they’re paid for. But do you realize that’s the key to outgrowing your current place, to expanding your business beyond your wildest dreams, and to making your life grow exponentially in all directions? It is the habit of going the extra mile.

The good news is, the majority of the population, they don’t buy into this. They don’t like it. Your competition in this space is very nil.

When I say nil, there’ll be a couple of other people in your industry that are known for going the extra mile because they’ll be the top producers. But if you think about it, that’s really it.

The space up there is open for anybody. That means you. But the difference is, you’ve got to cultivate this habit.

I remember hearing somewhere, I can’t remember exactly where, but if you were to look at an average day, 9 to 5 is for the masses. It’s for the people that are just employees. But 8am to 6pm is for the managers. 7am to 7pm and beyond is for the CEOs and the people that are in the business.

Now, don’t let that scare you. The whole premise is that it’s about the extra mile. So the people that go in early and leave late are typically the people that get promoted. Now, it’s not always about working hard, as we’ve discovered in previous videos. So we’re going to dig a bit deeper today into the whole going the extra mile principle because there’s plenty of people out there that work really hard long, slogging hours but they don’t get anything back from it. In fact, they’re unhappy, a lot of them are sick, and that’s because they don’t have the right attitude.

But we’re going to understand the principles and the laws that actually govern going the extra mile and why it’s so important that you start doing this right now in your life if you want to change the results very quickly.

Now, what I want you to understand with going the extra mile is it’s not about you controlling the outcome. It’s about you controlling the input. That’s the difference. See, your job is not about what’s going to come from what you do. Your job is to control the attitude and the effort you put behind it. It’s about being expectant and expecting the best, but being detached.

If you go into it with the expectation knowing that I’m going to get something back by doing this extra work, you see, that’s called trading. And trading doesn’t work. No matter how much you trade, your time for whatever, it doesn’t mean you’re actually going to get it back.

You see, nature is perfect. It’s us that are flawed. We’ve got to work with nature’s laws, and nature rewards you in due course when you’re ready. So if we look at some of the natural laws in the universe, we’re going to learn a little bit more about how you and I and our subconscious mind works with the natural laws that are in place.

Sowing and reaping which Ralph Waldo Emerson would call the law of laws. And this is you give and you receive, or the karmic law.

There are so many different ways, whatever you call it, it’s completely irrelevant. It’s the actual way the law works that is what you want to focus on. You see, whatever you put out, you definitely get back. And if you want to consider every action you engage in as a seed that you’re planting and with the right thoughts and the right positive attitudes behind what you do, will always reap you a plentiful harvest.

And likewise if it’s negative, your job is to be a great seed bearer. It is to till the soil, it is to water the soil, it is to harvest a beautiful harvest when it’s ready. But if you just focus on sowing and sowing good seeds day in and day out, that really is your job. And then nature takes its own course and will reap it back to you when you’re ready.

What governs when you’re ready?

Well, there’s a law called the law of gender. Now, the law of gender governs male/female, governs night and day. It also governs the timing of the gestation of things. So, for example, if we look in the plant kingdom, a seed, say a carrot seed, let’s say it takes 120 days for a carrot to grow. It probably takes 90 days, I really have no idea. I’m not a farmer.

But let’s say it takes that long for a seed to grow. We know with a baby, a baby takes 280 days and, boom, a baby is born. How do we know that? Well, we know the time because of the law of gender. It doesn’t take 3 years for a baby to grow.

See, we cannot violate these laws. They’ve been set and they’re perfect. We can try to time our things and our goals and what we’re doing to these laws, but nobody knows how long it takes for a spiritual seed or an idea seed or an action seed to actually gestate and grow. That is not our job. Our job is to plant and become awesome at planting.

As we’re going about our day to day life and we’re with this attitude of going the extra mile and willingly giving of ourselves wholeheartedly to this experience, there’s a law called the law of polarity, which means that everything has an opposite and it’s equal and opposite.

Now, why is that important? Well, let’s think about it like this. If it takes 300 kilometers to get from one city to another, it takes 300 to get from that city to the return city. If it’s 3 meters from a pole from the top to the bottom, it’s 3 meters from the bottom to the top. You see, it’s not longer one direction than the other.

The law of polarity governs that everything is opposite, but it’s also equal and opposite. So the actions that you’re engaged in, the seeds you’re planting, if you’re only planting things that are a little good, only a little good can come back.

But a little good, as we know from consistent action over time, mounts up into momentum to bring in waves of good things as well. But what we want to see is what are the effective actions that we can engage in that are better than good? You know, that are really effective and produce a lot more return for the effort you put in? Well, that’s going to be governed by the law of polarity.

So we want to try to fixate our attention on planting seeds, but seeds that are going to reap a bigger harvest rather than a little harvest.

Now, in your particular field, that’s going to be up to you to figure out what those actions are. But the point is you’ve got to understand that everything is equal and opposite. Now, our job is not always to figure out why something is bad, it’s just to understand that if something is bad in your workplace or your environment, there’s also something good about it. If your boss is not the best boss in the world, there’s something good about that. That is where your opportunity also lies.

You see, if you want things to expand within your world, then you’ve got to understand that the law of compensation is going to take care of that for you. You see, the law of compensation commands that for you to attract bigger things in your life, the way of law of attraction and sowing and reaping and all of everything to work together, it commands that you become bigger than the environment you’re in. You will never get out promoted from the person you are presently. You have to grow into a bigger role. You have to grow into a bigger person.

You see, success cannot help recognize those sorts of people. Opportunity is literally magnetized to those sorts of people. That’s how people get promoted. That’s how opportunities keep coming and coming and coming.

But you can’t do it the opposite way around. You can’t say, “When I get this, I will become X.” It doesn’t work that way. There’s always an analogy I say about the bee. Well, look, the bee doesn’t sit back in its hive kickin’ it with a DJ and a margarita and some tequila shots and say, “You know what? Bring me the honey and then I’ll go and pollenate the flowers.” It doesn’t work that way.

The bee must work first, it must go the extra mile, it must continue to work, it risks death every day, it flies so many kilometers, and then it goes back to the hive and it produces beautiful honey at the end of it. That’s its reward. You see, it doesn’t do it the other way around. That is what nature commands.

Nature commands you give first and you give more than your share. Now, so far as we have higher faculties, so far as we know, than a bee, we need to apply this in our own present environment if we want it to actually expand.

Now, this takes intellectual understanding of these laws to know what we’re working with. These have just been some introductions, but there’s more books you can read on this to gain a further understanding. But by sowing the seeds and by focusing on planting the biggest seeds we can, well, we know that we’re going to reap a bigger harvest faster.

How fast? Well, that’s governed by the law of gender. That’s not our job to figure out how fast. Our job is to be consistent every day, day in and day out. It’s to see the good in the bad situations that pop up in the environments we’re in. It is to expand beyond the presence we’re in so we have earned the right to have the new promotions and the new opportunities attracted into our life. And by the law of compensation, you will absolutely be rewarded when the time is right. But you’ve got to do it with the right attitude, you’ve got to do it with the right expectations, you’ve got to do it with the right work ethic, and you’ve got to also understand that nobody is holding you back in the present position you’re in, wherever that may be. Your customers are not holding you back, the sales that aren’t there aren’t holding you back. It is you. It is the thoughts you’re engaged in and it’s you understanding the application of these laws.

So make sure you don’t follow the mass herds. You step away from the sheeple and you start going the extra mile, because in that space there’s only a few people and there’s plenty more that can go in. Your competition is virtually no one. So enjoy the rich rewards that lie in the extra mile, and I look forward to hearing of your successes as you put this principle to work for the rest of your life.

Vaughan Liddicoat

Author Vaughan Liddicoat

Vaughan is an international speaker, trainer, world professional dancer & entrepreneur. His message has helped transform ten's of thousands of peoples live's world wide. You're invited to get more free training to help you launch your business, career and life up to the next level.

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